Friday, August 17, 2007


Julina Corona
AP English 12
August 10, 2007
The Titans Who were the titans? The titans also known as the Elder gods were very powerful for a long time in the universe. They were very big and held an enormous amount of strength. What happens to them? When Cronus the most important of all the titans who ruled over all of them got dethroned by his son Zeus the titans took a lower place. What characterizes the Golden Age? When Cronus got dethroned by Zeus he went to Italy where many Romans said that he brought time of peace and happiness which was known as the Golden Age. The Golden Age lasted as long as Cronus ruled Italy. Twelve Great OlympiansZeus How does Zeus gain power? Zeus and his brothers each inherited a specific part of the Universe. Zeus became supreme ruler, he was the lord of the sky, the Rain God and the Cloud Gatherer. Why is he depicted as having so many extramarital affairs? Zeus has been made by combining many gods; therefore the wife of an early god who was combined with other gods to make Zeus now belonged to Zeus. Who is even stronger than Zeus? It is sometimes said that Fate is stronger than Zeus. Where is his oracle? Dodona, in the land of the oak trees. How does it work? Zeus’ will was revealed by the rustling of the oak trees. What are some of the objects associated with him? Some objects associated with him are the oak tree and the eagle. What is the aegis? Zeus’ breastplate. Hera Who is she and whom does she protect on earth? Zeus’ wife and sister, she is the protector of marriage and married women. Who is Ilithyia? She was Hera’s daughter, she helped women at childbirth. What city/bird/animal are associated with her? The cow, peacock and Argos How would you describe her relationship with her husband? Hera is a very jealous goddess, and her relationship with her husband is unusual because her husbands’ many affairs leads her to punish even the innocent. There is no trust in the relationship, there is just jealousy and affairs. Poseidon What does he rule? Ruler of the sea Who is his wife? Amphitrite, a grandaughter of the Titan Ocean. Where does he live? He has a palace under the sea, but he was usually found in Olympus. What animals does he give to mankind? He gave the first horse to man. What besides Neptune is he frequently called? Earth Shaker What is the trident? A three-pronged spear Hades What does Pluto mean? The God of Wealth (the precious metal hidden in the earth) Who and what is he king of? The king of the dead What does his famous cap do to whoever wears it? Made them invisible Who is his wife? Persophone, he had carried her from earth and made her queen of the underworld.
How would you describe his personality? Hades rarely left his dark realm but even though he was still not welcomed to Olympus if for some strange reason he decided to visit, but he wasn’t evil only terrible; he was inexorable, unpitying but just. Pallas Athena Who were her parents? Daughter of Zeus alone, no mother, she sprang up from Zeus’ head
Over whom is she the protector? Protector of civilized life, handicrafts, and agriculture. What did she invent? The bridle which was used to tame horses
What words are frequently used to describe her? “Gray eyed” or “flashing eyed” What was her relationship like with Zeus? She was his favorite child, he trusted her enough to carry the aegis, his buckler and his weapon the thunderbolt. What does Parthenos mean? Chief/Maiden goddess Where is the Parthenon? In Athens Where is her bird/tree/city? The owl was her bird, the olive was her tree and Athens was her city.
Phoebus Apollo Who were his parents? Zeus and Leto Where was he born? Little island of Delos What instrument does he play? Golden lyre What did he first teach men? The healing art Of what is he the god? God of truth and light Where was his oracle? Delphi What besides the oracle is so special about the site? Priestesses area able to tell them their destiny How does the oracle work? It was held to the center of the earth where many pilgrims came to it for truth What is a tripod? Three legged stool, the priestess seat Who was Python? A serpent that Apollo killed; it was a frightful moster What does Pheobus mean? Brilliant or shinning What is his tree/animal? The laurel was his tree and the dolphin his animal
Artemis What is she called besides Diana? Cynthia Who are her parents? Zeus and Leto Who are the three maiden goddesses? Athena, Aphrodite and Artemis Describe her personality. She was the lady of wild things. She enjoyed wood and wild creatures. Artemis was someone who was fierce and revengeful. I would associate her with the wild since she liked to chase after them. What does she love to do? Chase wild things What is her connection to the moon? Phoebus was the sun and Artemis was the moon Who is Hecate? Hecate was the goddess of the dark, the black light when the moon was hidden, Artemis is often associated with Hecate. What animal/tree is sacred to her? The cypress tree was sacred to her; all wild animals specially the deer was sacred to her Aphrodite Of what is she the goddess? Love and beauty How is she born? She is said to have sprung from the foam of the sea, but also that she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione Who is her husband? Hephaestus (Vulcan) the ugly god of the forge What are her tree/birds? The dove, the sparrow and the swan How would you characterize her personality? Aphrodite is loving and beautiful, she likes to laugh and it is said that she is very sweet and it is apparent that she is humble. Being the goddess of love she wants to show everyone how beautiful love can be.
Hermes Who are his parents? Zeus and Maia What does he look like? His appearance is more familiar to us, he was graceful, on his feet were winged sandals and he also had wings on his low crowned hat and on his magic wand known as the Caduceus. What is his magic wand called? Caduceus What does he invent? The lyre which he made out of a tortouise’s shell Describe his personality. Hermes is a very good thief. I would describe him as being mischevious and also very mysterious. He can be kind and is also able to bribe people and win their trust back. Of what is he the god? Of Commerce and the Market What is his function for the realm of the dead? He led their souls down to their last place. Ares Who are his parents? Zeus and Hera Of what is he the god? War What is his personality like? He is willing to start a fight, but when he becomes wounded he is a coward and runs away. He is hated among people because of his willingness to start a battle or a war. On the battlefield he inspires people with confidence, nevertheless he is a coward. Who are his compasions on the battlefield? Eris and Strife her son, and Enyo the goddess of war Why are their names apt? Who is his bird/animal? The vulture and his animal the dog
With whom does he have an illicit affair? Aphrodite Hephaestus What makes him different from the other gods? He was ugly and deformed Who are his parents? Zeus and Hera sometimes thought Hera alone What is his job? Makes their dwellings and their furnishing in Olympus he is the God of fire Who is his wife? Aglaia in Hesiod and Aphrodite in the Odyssey Who helps him in his tasks? Handmaidens he had forged out of gold What is his relationship to volcanoes? His forge is said to be under a volcano and to cause erruptions Whom does he protect on earth? Protector of the smiths Hestia Of what is she goddess? The goddess of the Hearth How does she fit into the Olympian family? She was Zeus’s sister What is her role in founding colonies? She made sure that fire was never allowed to go out What are the priestesses called who guard her flame in Rome? Vestals The Lesser Gods of Olympus Eros Of what is he the god? God of love also known as Cupid What is his relationship to Aphrodite? Occasional companion to Aphrodite sometimes said to be her son How is he frequently represented? Blindfolded Who are his attendants and what do their names mean? ANTEROS sometimes the one who opposes love; HIMEROS whose name means Longing, and HYMEN the god of wedding feast Hebe Of what is she goddess? Goddess of youth Who were her parents? Zeus and Hera Who does she marry? Hercules What is her office at Olympus? Cupbearer to the gods Who is Ganymede? A beautiful Trojan young prince who was carried to Olympus by Zeus’ eagle Iris Of what is she goddess? Goddess of Rainbow What is her job? A messenger of the gods The Graces How many are there? three What do their names mean? Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), and Thalia (Good Cheer) What would they do at banquets? They danced Could one go on vacation without the others? No they were always together Muses How many? Nine Who are their parents? Zeus and Memory What are their names and their particular fields? Clio Muse of history, Urania of atronomy, Melpomene of tragedy, Thalia of comedy, Terpsichore of the dance, Calliope of epic poetry, Erato of love poetry, Polyhymnia of songs to the gods and Euterpe of lyric poetry Who are Themis, Dike, Nemesis and Aidos? Dike and Themis were two august forms that became close to Zeus, also Nemesis and Aidos all four of them never became real personalities The Gods of the Waters 1. Who was Poseidon? Lord and ruler of the sea and the friendly sea and underground rivers 2. Who is Triton? Who are his parents? With what object is he associated? The trumpeter of the sea; son of Poseidon and Ampithrite ; he is associated with the trumpet 3. What are Proteus’ two useful powers? Of foretelling the future and of changing his shape at will 4. Who are the Naiads? How do they differ from the Nereids? Water nymphs; they dwelt in brooks, springs and fountains The Underworld 1. Names to know: Hades, Persephone, Charon, Cerbeus, Styx, Elysian Fields, Asphodel. Hades was king of the dead, Persephone queen of the dead Hades’ wife, Charon= aged man in boat ferries the soul of the dead to the farther water gate to Tartus, Cerberus= stands at the gate; three headed dragon-tailed dog permits all spirits to enter and none to return, Styx= river of unbreakable oath to which gods swear, Lethe= river of forgetfulness 2. What kind of mood exists in Hades? How is it set up? What is the role of the three judges? The mood is dark and ghostly. It is set up with many gates and crowded, around it are many wastes. The role of the three judges is to punish evildoers. 3. Who are the Furies? Through what gate do true dreams come? They were placed by Virgil in the underworld, they punish evildoers; true dreams come from horn. The lesser Gods of Earth 1. Of what are Demeter and Dionysus, respectively goddess and god? Demeter goddess of corn; Dionysus god of wine 2. Pan who is his father? He’s part animal- which animal? Where does he live? What instrument does he play? How would you characterize his luck with ladies? What is the relationship between him and our word “panic”? Describe his personality. Father = Hermes. He was part goat. He lives in all wild places best of all Arcady where he was born. He plays the pipes of reed. He had bad luck with the ladies because he was ugly. Sounds made in the wilderness at night were made by him so that explains the development of the word panic. Pan is a noisy god and likes the wild. He seems to be fearless and has some characteristics of his father the god of war. 3. Silenus What animal does he ride and why? He rode an ass because he was too drunk to walk. Whom does he teach? He teaches Bachus the wine god What does he resemble in looks?. In looks he resembles Pan. 4. The Sileni Describe them. They were creature part man and part horse; they walked on two legs; had hoofs like horses; sometimes horses ears and always horses tails. 5. The Satyrs, Dryads or Hamadryads: Who/ What were they? Where do they gather? Describe their appearance. Satyrs:They were goat men like Pan. All: They gathered in wild places of the earth. Dryads or Hamadryads: Their appearance was lovely nymphs. 6. Aeolus Of what is he king? He was king of the winds.
What are the Greek names of the four chief winds and their direction? The Greek names of the four chief winds were Boreas the north wind, Zephyr the west wind, Nortus the south wind, and Erus the east wind. 7. Chiron What type of creature is he? Satyrs
What would he look like? He was half man half horse He looked more like a beast than a man. For what is he known? For being wise8. Gorgons What did they look like? They were dragon like creature whose look turned men into stone.
9. The Graiae What is unusual about this trio of old women? They were three gray women who had one eye between them.
10. The Sirens For what are they infamous? They had enchanting voices and singing lured sailors to death. 11. The Fates What is their Greek name? Moirae is their Greek name. What do they do? They assigned each man his destiny. What is the meaning of Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos’ names and how do they reflect their duties? Clotho the spinner, Lachesis the disposer of life, Atropos cut the thread of death. Chapter Two Do you agree with Hamilton’s condemnation of Greek Pantheon as mostly “harmful and capricious” in the first paragraph of the chapter? Yes I agree with Hamilton’s condemnation because they way he describes the gods is true. They are harmful and capricious and also undependable. Demeter Of what is she goddess? The goddess of corn. Why does Hamilton argue that Demeter has to be a woman? It was natural that the divine power which brought forth the grain would be a woman and not a man basically representing the food provider. When is her chief festival? At harvest time Why do we not know more about the Elusinian Mysteries? They were held in especial veneration. Homeric Hymn to Demeter and a Study Guide to Demeter’s Hymn
Who is Persephone? The queen of the Underworld and wife of Hades, she was the daughter of Demeter. Where does she go? She goes to the Underworld. How does Demeter react to her disappearance? She withheld her gifts from the earth which turned green into ice. Why does she disguise herself? She left Olympus and fled to earth and disguised herself so no one recognized her. How does Demeter try to give Demophoon immortal youth? She anointed him with ambrosia and would place him at the heart of the fire at night. Why isn’t she successful? Mataneira was angered when she saw her child lay in fire so she ceased the boy and cast him on the ground How does Demeter suggest Eleusis can win back her good graces? She went to the princess of Eleusis and showed them how to sow corn she told them they must keep this silent and a mystery. What effect does Demeter’s grief have on Earth? No harvests Why does Zeus pull rank and forces him to return Persephone? Because Demeter is not harvesting without Persephone. What is the importance of promegranate? It was the seed that Hades gave Persephone to eat so that whenever she left the underworld she was forced to return.What sad message does Rhea bring to Demeter? To let men continue living and she would have her daughter back every year with the exception of four monthsDionysus Of what is he god? Why does Hamilton call Dionysus and Demeter “suffering gods”? He was the god of the vine. Hamilton calls Dionysus and Demeter suffering gods because a lot depended on them. Homeric Hymns to Dionysus and Study Guide Who are Dionysus’ parents? Zeus and Semele What awful fate befalls his mother? She died due to the jealousy of Hera, Semele was kind and wished that Zeus become the King of Heaven and lord of the Thunderbolt, when she died Zeus took Dionysus from her. Why does Zeus have to uphold his promise? Because he swore to the unbreakable oath river of Styx What is unusual about his birth? He was born of fire and nursed from rain Why is Dionysus birth of fire and childhood of rain appropriate for his function as god of the vine? Burning heat that ripens the grape and water which keeps the plant alive. Why do the pirates kidnap Dionysus? He looked like a son of king who would pay a lot to get him back. How does Dionysus exhibit his divinity to the pirates? When they tried to bind him the ropes would not hold together What fate do pirates suffer? They were changed into dolphins Who are the Maenads or Bacchantes? Women frenzied with wine What do they look like? They were fierce and sharp How do the followers of Dionysus differ in their worship from the attendees of the other gods? They went to the wilderness to worship him What are the two ideas present in the worship of this god? Freedom and ecstatic joy and of savage brutality. Why does Dionysus return to Thebes? To establish his worship there Who is Pentheus? King of Thebes the cousin of Dionysus Why does he ignore the advice Tiresias and the band of the soldiers? Because he thought he was protected and nothing would happen to him he thought they knew that he was Semele’s son and rescued by Zeus What awful fate does Pentheus experience? He was blind to everything except his anger Why do you think Dionysus encouraged his demise? He was closer to men than god. What besides viticulture is Dionysus’ greatest gift to the world? Wine can bring happiness. Where is his festival celebrated? In Thebes.
What does the ceremony entail? Poetry and plays.
Why does Dionysus die every year? Because just like a grape vine he must be cut during the winter. Chapter Three Questions: What is the world like before the gods come to the scene? Night and Erebus are the first two children of Chaos. Who is their child? How is that child conceived? Why is this child so important for later developments? What is Hamilton’s theory about the personification of the Earth and Heaven? Why does that personification blossom with the introduction of later figures? Who are the first creatures to have the appearance of life? Who comes next? How are they different than the monsters? Who injures Heaven? How and why? What springs from the blood of the injured Heaven? Answers: There was only confusions of chaos. Their child is Love. Love was born from darkness and death. Because it created light and day of which earth emerged. Earth was geography and an entity and so was heaven. They were individual persons so they personified everything that existed. The children of mother Earth and father Heaven were the first to have appearance of life. These children were monsters. Then came the Titans. They were different because they were inferior to the others in size and strength. Cronus wounded his father Heaven. He lay in wait for him and wounded him. Erinyes sprang up from the blood of Heaven. Why does Zeus eventually overthrow Cronus? How does Rhea fool Cronus? How does Zeus rescue his siblings? What happens to the stone that faked Cronus out? He eventually overthrows his father because he does not want him to eat him and he wants to gain power. Rhea gives him a rock to eat instead of his son Zeus. He forces his father to disengorge them. He swallowed it thinking it was the baby. Who helps Cronus in the war? His brothers the Titans. Who are Zeus' allies? Zeus’ allies are the monsters Prometheus, and the Olympians. How does Zeus' punish his enemies after they lost? He bound many of the Titans. Who is Atlas and what was his fate? Atlas a titan was condemned to carry the weight of the earth.
Who then must Zeus fight to become undisputed world champion? Zeus must fight the iron modern man. Hamilton describes what the world was like after the destruction of the Titans and Giants. Get a good picture of the geography of the pre-human world. If you're confused, try to sketch a map. Who were the Cimmerians? They were people from a distant land in the sea
Who were the Hyperboreans? Helpers of Apollo (they gave him mysterious gifts)
Where is the realm of the dead? The realm of the dead is said to be in deep into the earth down caves and tunnels, but it also has been said its at the end of the ocean How was man created?
What do Prometheus' and Epimetheus' names mean and why are they apt? Their names mean forethought and afterthought.
Why is Epimetheus a dunderhead? Because he gave all good traits to animals first instead of men (He never thought about the consequences of his actions)
How does Prometheus come to man's aid? Prometheus gives men fire.
Describe the various ages of man, starting with gold and ending with iron. How are the men like the metal that gives their age its name? The golden age had neither work nor pain, the silver race was an inferior race, the brass were horrible, the iron race was modern man. What gripes did Zeus have against Prometheus? Prometheus made men in the image of gods and he tricked the gods into accepting fat wrapped around bones instead of real meat for sacrifice.
How did Zeus get revenge? Zeus got revenge by inventing women
What does Pandora's name mean and why is it apt? It means evil.
Hamilton calls Pandora a beautiful disaster. Do you agree? Yes because she was the first women on earth, yet she brought disaster to men
What's in Pandora's infamous box? The box held all evils that came to men
Why does she open it? Some say because she was evil others because of her curiosity.
What's the result? The result is that men become punished. What doesn't come screeching out of the box? The only good thing that came out of the box was hope.
and why is it appropriate for hope to remain? The only way men can survive such evilsHow does Zeus personally punish Prometheus for helping mankind? Zeus had Prometheus bound to a rock for many years.
What does Prometheus know that could help Zeus in the future? He knew which woman would bear a son greater than Zeus
In light of the fate placed on Zeus, what do you think of his philandering? I think that Zeus’ philandering was justifiable because people were turnig evil and he needed to stop it some how
How does Prometheus escape? Prometheus escapes with the help of Hercules. Does the Deluge remind you of any other stories? Yes, it reminds me of Noah’s arc, with a little differences though. Why does Zeus send the flood? Zeus sends the flood because men became wicked.
How many days did it rain? It rained nine days and nine nights
Who was saved? A son of Prometheus and daughter of Epimetheus survive.
Why doesn't Zeus get angry at their survival? Zeus thought they were pious
What are they urged to do? They were urged to return to earth.
What solution do they hit on? To sart humanity all over again
How is the new race born? The new race is born out of stone and it is stronger and more enduring. Chapter Four Europa Questions How did Zeus fall in love with Europa? Because of Cupid and because of her beauty.
What did Zeus change himself into when he appeared before Europa for the first time? He changed himself into beautiful bull. Where did Zeus take Europa after they crossed the sea? He took her across the sea. The Cyclops Polyphemus Questions Who landed his boat on the Cyclops's land? Odysseus How did Odysseus gauge Polyphemus's eye out? With a long timber which he sharpened and with the help of his men. Who was Polyphemus's father? Poseidon Who did Polyphemus fall in love with? The nymph of Galatea. Flower Myths Why is it natural for flowers to be connected with the gods? Because in Greece there are a lot of Flowers, and after some of die a flower blooms in their place. Narcissus Questions How did Zeus use the narcissus flower to help Hades lure Persephone? narcissus flower was a purple bloom that Zeus created for Hades. It distracted Persephone from the other flowers. Why did Hera punish Echo? Because she spoke too much. How did she punish her? She could only repeat what others said. What happened to Echo after she was rejected by Narcissus? How did Nemesis punish Narcissus? He was cursed to love himself and gazed at his reflection until he died. How did death set Narcissus free? Because he was not in love with himself anymore. What happened to Narcissus's body after he died? A flower took the place of his body. Hyacinthus Questions How did Hyacinthus die? Was accidentally killed by a god’s discus. What happened to Hyacinthus after he died? A flower bloomed in place of him. Adonis Questions What is the name of Adonis's flower? Anemone What two goddesses did Adonis split his time with? Persephone and Aphrodite What seasons did he spend with each? Winter with Persephone and Spring with Aphrodite How did Adonis die? He was killed by a boar. Chapter 5: Cupid and Psyche Why was Venus (a goddess), so jealous of Psyche (a mortal)? Because Psyche was so beautiful that women worshipped her instead of Venus. What did Venus tell her son Cupid to do to Psyche? She told him to make the Psyche fall in love with a horrible beast. How did Psyche feel about going to meet her destined husband? How did the rest of her family feel? Why? She felt that she must maintain courage and that it was not her fault that she was so beautiful, he family felt it was the best thing to do for her or else she would have fallen in love with a monster. Where was Psyche taken when she went to the hilltop? What was surprising about the atmosphere that she was in and the way that she was treated? She was taken to a beautiful mansion. It was surprising because it was very peaceful and she was treated very kindly and she was protected. How did Psyche's sisters react when they went to visit her and saw all of her wealth? They became jealous. How is that related to the story they made up about her husband? They convince her that her husband might be a hideous beast simply because they are jealous. What was the plan that Psyche carried out one evening? Why was she shocked at her findings? She had hidden a lamp and a razor to kill her husband if necessary. That night her husband got burnt by the oil from the lamp. Who did her husband turn out to be and what did he do/say when he saw her? Her husband is Cupid. Psyche searched everywhere for her husband. Where did she finally find him and what was he doing there? She finally found him when she came back from the underworld, he was having a meeting with the gods to let her live and to make her a goddess. What were the four things that Venus made Psyche do out of bitterness and envy? How did Psyche manage to get them done? Does her story at this point remind you of any others you might have read? Venus made Psyche sort an enormous pile of different grains by dawn, a group of ants performed the task for her, to gather the golden wool from fierce sheep; she accomplished this by pulling the wool from briars, Next, Venus made her get a vile of water from the river Styx, when she was about to kill herself, an eagle performed this task for her, finally, Venus charged her with going to the underworld and getting a box of beauty from Persephone but not to look in the box. When she came back from the underworld, she opened the box and fell into a deep sleep. It reminds me of fairy tales that I have read. Why did Psyche open the box of beauty and what happened when she did? She was already in the underworld and she falls into a deep sleep. How and why did Psyche become immortal? When she married Cupid their relationship became love. Was Venus satisfied with this situation? Why or why not? No she was not because in the end she became lust. What does the name Psyche mean? It means soul. Chapter 6 Orpheus and Eurydice At what is Orpheus skilled? At music, singing, melodies, and specially the lyre
After Orpheus and Eurydice get married what happens to her? She gets stung by a vipor and dies
Where does he decide to go? On a journey to Hades
What does he ask? To get his wife back with life
What are the conditions of the agreement? That he cant look back at her as she followed him til they got to the upper world
What happens when he breaks the conditions? He reaches out to her but she vanishes as she says farewell
Pygmalion and Galatea What was Pygmalion skilled at? He was a great sculptor What did Pygmalion hate? He hated women and swore he would never marry What did he make a statue of? Beautiful woman Why was the statue making him unhappy? Because it was not a real woman and he had fallen in love with itWhat god/goddess helped Pygmalion? Venus What did Pygmalion ask of the god/goddess? That the statue could become real Why did Pygmalion think something favorable would happen? Because he was in love What did he find when he went home? The statue was alive. Who did Pygmalion marry? Galatea the statue Chapter 7 Who was the king of Greece? What was the state of his marriage? Athamas, he got sick of his marriage he married another woman named Ino. How does Ino plan to get rid of the King's children? She plans to kill them. How is her plan thwarted? Hermes rescued the child. Where does Phrixus end up? How does he thank the gods and the King? He sacrificed the ram to Zeus and gave the kingdom to a man named Philias. Who is Jason? Jason was the first hero to go on a journey. What has he set out to do? He had to retrieve Florence. Who is Philias? Philias took the throne from Jason’s family. On what terms will Philias give Jason his kingdom? On the terms that he would win back Florence. Who joins Jason on his journey? The Orpheous, Hercules, Castor and Pollux. Which god protects them? Cupid made Medea fall in love with Jason. What is the name of the ship? Argo What is Lemnos and who were the people living there? An island where all women had killed their husbands. What happened to Hercules? He left the expedition when his cup-bearer was taken by a nymph. Who were the Harpies? They were beasts they had to battle. Who was Phineus? He was king of Thrace. How was he punished? He was sent to an island with a buffet of food, but could eat none of it. How do Jason and his companions help him? They sent the winged heroes to kill the harpies. What advice did Phineus give Jason? Phineas told the Argonauts how to pass the Symplegades. Who were the Amazons? Warrior women who live on an island in the eastern Aegean. What did Hera ask Aphrodite to do? She asked her to make the journey less dangerous for the Argos. Why? What was Cupid told to do? Make Medea fall in love with Jason. How does this effect Medea as a result? She has to protect them. What does Jason ask King Aeetes for, and what is his response? asked Aeetes for the fleece in exchange for any service they could perform, and the king became upset. What is the trial the king gives Jason? He told them that they should yoke two of his fire-breathing bulls and sow dragon's teeth into the ground. How and why does Medea help him? She knew the king wanted Jason to die to she gave them and ointment that made their weapons invincible for a day. What is the rock for? What guards the fleece? The serpent What goddess continues to take care of the Argonauts on their return trip? Medea What is the situation when Jason returns with the fleece? Pelias had made Jason’s father kill himself. What does Medea trick Pelias's daughters into doing? Into killing their father How does Jason upset Medea? He becomes engaged to the princess of Corinth. What does she threaten? On killing the princess and their children. Who does Medea find caused her to fall for Jason? Aphrodite How does she react? She becomes very upset and kills the princess and her own children. What does Medea give to Jason's bride? Poison What happens to her? She dies What does Medea do after the murder? She departed on a chariot drawn by the dragons. What is Jason's response? He curses her Chapter 8
Phaethon Who is Phaethon's mother? Clymene Why did Phaethon seek out the Sun god? To see if he was truly his father What did Phaethon ask to do? To drive the chariot of the sun. Why was the Sun reluctant to allow this request? He swore to the river of Styx, but he knew the path was dangerous. Describe the route the Sun travels daily. He has to go up to mid heaven, he has to pass the descent that is so precipitous. He has to pass fierce beasts of prey. What is the road like? The horses? The horses are hard to lead The monsters? The monsters want to persuade him and harm him. As soon as Phaethon drove the chariot, what did the horses realize? It was not their driver How did they react? They took control What happened to the world during Phaethon's ride? Mountains were singed and rivers dried up. What does Mother Earth request? She cried out to the gods for help. How does Jove react? He seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the chariot driver. What happened to Phaethon? The thunderbolt struck him dead. Pegasus and Bellerophon Who was Glaucus? The king of Corinth. How did he bring the wrath of the gods on him? He fed his horses human flesh to make them strong in battle. What was his fate? He was thrown from his chariot and his horses devoured him. Who was rumored to be Bellerophon's father? Poseidon Who was his mother? Eurynome Why did it seem likely he was the son of a god? His gifts of spirit and body What did Bellerophon want? He wanted Pegasus a horse that had sprung from Gorgons blood. Who was Polyidus? The wise seer of Ephyre What did he advise Bellerophon to do? He gave him a bridle of gold for the horse. What was Bellerophon given so he could gain Pegasus? A golden bridle Who gave it to him? Athena Why did Anteia want her husband to kill Bellerophon? Because she fell in love with him and he wanted nothing to do with her. Why would he not do so? Because Proetus and he would not kill. What did he do instead? He sent him to deliver a letter to the Lycian king that said to kill Bellerophon. What did the letter to the King of Lycia read? To kill Bellerophon. What did the king do in response? He did not kill him; there was a bond between host and guest. Name three great beings Bellerophon conquered. Lion, serpent and goat Did Bellerophon and Proetus ever reconcile? Proetus was won over by his courage. How? He gave him his daughter to marry. What eventually caused the beginning of Bellerophon's demise? His ambition and thoughts greater than men. How did he die? Wandered alone avoiding the paths of great men until he died. What happened to Pegasus after Bellerophon's death? Zeus used him for thunder and lightning Daedalus What was Daedulus' profession? He was an architect What famous object did he build? Labyrinth for King Minos. Who was Daedulus' son? Icarus Why did King Minos imprison Daedulus and his son? Because he helped his wife get out of Labyrinth where King Minos imprisoned her. How did Daedulus and his son escape? He made two pairs of wax wings for them to use to escape What did Daedulus warn his son of? Not to fly too close to the sun. What happened when his son did not heed this warning? He plunged into the sea. To where did Daedulus flee? Sicily How did King Minos know that Daedulus was in Sicily? He contrived a trap years later by announcing a reward for anyone who could move a string through an intricate seashell. What happened to King Minos? He went to Sicily to kill Daedalus, but instead he died. Chapter 9: 1. What does the priestess tell King Acrisius about his daughter, Danae? She would have a son that would kill him. 2. Why does Acrisius refuse to kill his daughter? He feared the Gods punishment. 3. Who visits Danae in her chamber? Zues In what form? Gold4. Who is Perseus? Danae’s son 5. What does Acrisius do to make sure that his grandson will not kill him? He puts him in a chest with Danae out at sea. 6. Who discovers Danae and Perseus? Dictys What does he do with them? He took them home and cared for them for many years.
7. Why does Polydectes want to kill Perseus? He wanted Danae but he didn’t want a son. What is his plan? That Medusa will kill Perseus. 8. What happens to anyone who lays eyes on Medusa? They turned into stone. 9. What is Hermes’ plan to find the way to the nymphs of the North? They must go to the Gray Women. 10. What does Hermes give to Perseus? A sword Why is it special? It couldn’t be bent or broken. 11. What does Athena give Perseus? A shield which covered her breasts. How will it help him? It will be like a mirror. 12. What gifts do the Hyperboreans give to Perseus? Winged sandals, a magic wallet, and a cap which made the wearer invisible. 13. What do the three Gorgons look like? Creatures with great wings, bodies covered with golden scales, and a hair mass of twisting snakes. Why can only Perseus kill Medusa? The other two are immortal. 14. Why is Andromeda being punished? She claimed she was prettier than the sea god. What is her punishment? She had to be sacrificed to the great snake. 15. What does Perseus do to the great snake? Why? He cuts his head off, he fell in love with Andromeda. 16. What happens when Perseus enters the banquet? He takes out Medusas head. 17. What becomes of Acrisius? He gets sent off far away and then dies went Perseus threw the missile. 18. Who keeps Medusa’s head? Athena What does she do with it? She has it on Zeus’s shield. 19. Who is Electryon? Perseus and Andromeda’s son Chapter Ten: Theseus 1. What are the terms for Theseus to receive his father’s gifts? When he became big and strong he had to pick a stone up and get his father’s gifts. 2. Why does Theseus not want to travel by sea? He wants to become a great hero. Who is his role model? Hercules What is his relationship to him? Cousins 3. What are Theseus’s ideas of dealing with justice? What each had done to others, he would do to them. When he arrives at Athens, why is he an acknowledged hero? He took out Sinis, Sciron, and Procrustes. 4. Why does the King want to poison Theseus? He believes Theseus might become king. Whose original plan is it? Why? Medea’s, she knew who Theseus was. Does Theseus become poisoned? Explain. No he wanted to tell the King who he was, so the King threw the cup down. 5. Why does Minos demand fourteen youths and maidens? His son died while visiting Aegeus. What/who is Minotaur? A half bull half human What happens to these youths? They get eaten by the Minotaur. What are Theseus’s true intentions in offering himself? He wanted to kill the Minotaur. 6. Who is Adriadne? Minos daugther What happens when she first sees Theseus? She falls in love with him. Whom does she consult for help? Daedalus What is his advice? To find a way to leave the Labyrinth. How does Theseus kill Minotaur? By hitting him with his fists. Does Ariadne make it to Athens? Why? No she stays on the island of Naxos. 7. Why does Theseus’s father kill himself? He thought his son was dead. Who takes over Athens? Explain the new government in Athens. Theseus, a peoples government. 8. Who bears Theseus a son? Hippolyta What is the son’s name? Hippolytus 9. Who is Theseus’s friend? Pirithous 10. Who are the Centaurs? Body of a horse, face and chest like a human. What happens at the wedding? They get drunk and seize women. 11. Whom does Theseus want to marry? Helen Whom does Pirithous want to marry? Persephone When the friends go to the underworld, who knows their plan? Hades What is the fate of Pirithous? Of Theseus? Pirithous stayed at the chair of forgetfulness, and Theseus was freed by Hercules. 12. Whom does Theseus marry? Phaedra What is her relation to Ariadne? sister 13. Who falls in love with Hippolytus? Phaedra Who is behind it? Why? Aphrodite, she was mad at him. 14. What happens when Hippolytus rejects Phaedra? She kills herself. What does Phaedra leave behind? A letter What does it say? It is cries. How does Theseus react? He gets mad at Hippolytus and curses him. What is Hippolytus’s fate? He died What does Artemis tell Theseus? That his wife was guilty 15. After death of Hippolytus, where does Theseus go? He was at the court of King Lycomedes. How does he die? King Lycomedes kills him. Chapter Eleven: Hercules Hercules is honored as the greatest hero of Greece except where? Whom do they consider to be the greatest hero? Athens and Theseus 1. Why does Hercules consider himself an equal to the gods? He helped them conquer the Giants. When the priestess Delphi didn’t answer his question he took her tripod and threatened to make his own oracle. 2. Who is Hercules willing to fight to get an answer from the oracle? Apollo 3. What is the only thing that can overcome Hercules? Supernatural force 4. How does Hercules show a greatness of soul? His sorrow for wrongdoing and his willingness to do anything. 5. Where is Hercules born? Thebes Who are Hercules’ mortal parents? Amphitryon and Alcmena Who is his biological father? Zeus 6. What does Hercules do when the two snakes approach his crib? He kills them 7. Whom does he first kill by accident? Musician 8. Whom does Hercules first marry? Megara 9. Who stops Hercules from trying to kill himself? Theseus 10. To whom does the priestess tell Hercules to go? Why? Athens, to give back. 11. How many labors does Hercules have to complete? 12 Who helps Eurystheus devise these labors? Hera12. Who is in love with the girl Hercules wants to marry? Achelous What happens to him? He gets beat by Hercules Who becomes Hercules’ wife? Deianira With whom does Hercules spend the night on his way to get to the man-eating mares of Diomedes? Admetus 14. Why does Admetus’ wife die? If Admetus died Apollo would live, but Admetus’ wife offer to die in his place. 15. Why does Hercules bring Alcestis back from the dead? He had gotten drunk while the house was sorrow. 16. What aspects of Hercules’ character are clearly evident in the story of Admetus and Alcestis, considering the ancient Greeks’ perspective? Simplicity and stupidity. His inability to get drunk at a house were someone was dead. His confidence, trying to make everything right. 17. Whose city does Hercules capture? Why? Eurytus, he had been punished by him. 18. What does the man say to Deianira? That Hercules was in love with another princess. 19.What does the Centaur Nessus say his blood would do? It’s a charm to use if Hercules ever loved another women more. 20. What does Deianira do when she hears what her gift had done to Hercules? She kills herself. 21. Whom does Hercules marry when he goes to heaven? Hebe Chapter Twelve: Atalanta 1. What does Atalanta’s father do to her when she is born? He leaves her in a mountain to die. 2. Who takes care of Atalanta after her father abandons her? A bear. 3. What is the situation with the two centaurs? They chased her but she didn’t run she killed them. 4. Whom does Claydon send to punish King Orneus and why? Calydonian boar, because the King forgot her when he was sacrificing fruits at harvest time. 5. Describe Atalanta when she joins the Argo? She looked like a boy with her hair tied up. 6. Who falls in love with her? Meleager 7. Who wounds the boar, and how is it wounded? Atalanta, she shot an arrow at it. 8. Who finishes killing the boar? Meleager 9. Who opposes giving the skin to Atalanta? Meleager’s uncles 10. Who is Meleager’s mother? Althea 11. How is the boar hunt the cause of Meleager’s death? His mom got mad at him killing her brothers so she killed him. 12. What does Meleager do to them? He kills them 13. Whom does Atalanta beat in a wrestling match? Peleus 14. With whom does she reconcile? Her father 15. Discuss Atalanta’s conditions for marrying? Whoever could beat her in a foot race. 16. How does her husband succeed? He gets three golden apples and throws them during the race. Which goddess helps him? Aphrodite 17. What was Atalanta’s son’s name? Parthenopaeus 18. Into what kind of animals are Atalanta and Meleager turned? Lions Chapter Thirteen: The Trojan War Prologue: The Judgment of Paris 1. What does Eris throw into the banqueting hall to cause trouble among the goddesses? Why? A golden apple marked for the fairest. She was not invited to the wedding. 2. What are the three things that Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite offer Paris? Hera-Lord of Europe and Asia Athena-He would lead the Trojans to victory against the Greeks Aphrodite-The fairest women would be his. 3. Whom does Paris choose? Aphrodite The Trojan War 1. Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? Helen Who is her biological father? Zeus Who is chosen to be her husband? Menelaus 2. What does Paris do officially to spark the Trojan War? He broke the sacred bond. Why do the chieftains of Greece help Menelaus against Troy? They wanted to lay Troy in ashes Which two of the chieftains were missing at first? Why? Odysseus and Achilles 3. Why is Artemis angry at the Greeks? They had killed one of her hares and her child. What does she demand of them to calm the wind and ensure a safe voyage to Troy? They have to sacrifice Iphegenia. Do they do what she asks? Yes 4. Why is it brave for Protesilaus to be the first to leap ashore? Whoever landed first was first to die. Who is the greatest of the Trojan warriors? Hector Of the Greek warriors? Achilles What does each of them know will happen to them before Troy is taken? They would both die before Troy was taken. 5. For how many years does victory go back and forth? 9 years What two Greeks have a fight that turns outcome in favor of the Trojans? Achilles and Agamemnon What is the fight about? A woman 6. Which gods are on the side of the Trojans? Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Zeus Which are on the side of the Greeks? Hera, Athena, Poseidon 7. What does Aphodite do to protect Paris when he fights along against Menelaus? She took the strap and kept the helmet on. What happens to keep the Greeks and Trojans from coming to an agreement? Hera and Athena want to see Troy destroyed. 8. Who almost dies at the hand of Diomedes? Aeneas Who tries to stop Diomedes? Hector and Ares Are they successful? No9. How is Ares stopped when he is fighting for Hector with the Trojans? Diomedes throws his spear and Athena put it in. Does this loss hurt the Trojans? Yes How do the Trojans try to fix it? They try to give Athena a robe to switch sides. 10. Why does Zeus leave Olympus and go to help the Trojans himself? His promise to Thetis to avenge Achilles wrong. 11. What nickname do the Trojans give Hector? Tamer of Horses 12. How do the Greeks try to appease Achilles? By sending Briseis and gifts What is his response? He refuses 13. What is Hera’s plan? Go up to Zeus and seduce him and then put him to sleep. Does it work? Yes How does Hector escape harm? Aeneas lifts him and takes him away. Who has been helping the Greeks against Zeus’ wishes? Poseidon Who stops the Greeks from conquering Troy? How?Poseidon because he gets made at Odysseus for being to arrogant14. Who revives Hector? Apollo To whom does Achilles give his armor and men? Why? Patroclus, so the Trojans would think it was him and the Greeks could pushed them back. What happens when Patroclus meets Hector face to face? He gets killed. Who gets Achilles’ armor? Hector 15. Why does Achilles’ enter the fight again? To kill Hector Who makes his new armor? Hephaestus Who is appointed by Zeus to die during this battle? Hector 16. Why does Hector not flee into Troy? It’s his fault they faile so he will spare himself. Who accompanies Achilles in battle? Athena Why does Hector stop his flight around the walls of Troy? Athena appeared beside him as the shape of his brother. Who does he think is his ally? Deiphobus Who is it really? Athena What covenant does Hector try to make with Achilles? If he dies to give the body back to his friends and via versa Does Achilles accept? No 17. Does Achilles succeed in killing Hector the first time he throws his spear? No he misses Who brings it back to him? Athena Why doesn’t Hector’s spear kill Achilles? Achilles shield is magical. 18. What does Achilles do with Hector’s body? He tied him to a chariot and dragged him in circles. What three gods on Olympus do not mind the abuse of the dead? Hera, Athena, and Poseidon How does the King regain Hector’s body? He gets it back from Achilles. How many days do they mourn Hector? Describe the funeral. 9 days Chapter Fourteen: The Fall of Troy 1. Why did Apollo guide the arrow into Achilles’ heel? It was the only spot he could be wounded. How had Achilles’ mother been careless? She could have made him invulnerable. 2. What did Athena do to Ajax? She struck him when he reached Menelaus and Agamemnon quarters. When Ajax saw what he had done, what did he say? He said he was a coward for killing animals. What did he do? He killed himself. 3. What did the prophet Helenus predict about the war? That Troy wouldn’t fall until someone fought with the bow and arrow of Hercules. 4. When Paris was wounded, what did he request? To be carried to Oenone. What happened to him and to Oenone? He died and then she killed herself. 5. What plan did Odysseus craft in order to infiltrate Troy? Be complete in your answer. The Greeks would hide in a giant wooden horse and give it as a gift to the Trojans. Then when night came they would get out and open the gates for the army. 6. What story does Sinon tell to the Trojans? That Athena was mad at the Greeks for stealing the Palladium and the only way she would forgive them was by sacrificing one of their own, and that was Sinon. 7. What happens to Laocoon and how does this affect the Trojan’s reaction? He gets punished for opposing entryof the horse. No other Trojan opposes. 8. Describe the battle. What did some of the quick-witted Trojans do? The Trojans had no time to fight back, the Greeks were killing them. They took of their armor and put the Greeks on. 9. What is Priam’s fate? Achilles son kills him. 10. Who was the only god(dess) to help the Trojan’s that day? Aphrodite What happens to her son? He escapes. 11. Identify Hecuba. How did the fall of her family mark the end of Troy? She was the old queen. There was no more Troy. Chapter Fifteen: The Adventures of Odyssesus 1. Which two gods are the Greeks’ greatest allies? Poseidon and Athena Why do these gods later punish them? After Troy fell the Greeks forgot what was due to the gods. 2. What power does Apollo give Cassandra? To foretell the future Why does Apollo turn against her? She didn’t accept his love. What is Cassandra’s fate? To know the disasters that were coming and not avert it. 3. What happens to Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Ajax after they leave Troy? Agamemnon almost lost all his ships, Menelaus was blown to Egypt, and Ajax was drowned. 4. Which characteristic causes Ajax’s downfall? Arrogance 5. How long does Odysseus wander before he sees home? Ten years 6. Who is Penelope? Odysseus’s wife What task does she want to complete before she will marry any of her suitors? Until she had woven a very fine and exquisitely wrought shroud for Odysseus’s father. Why is the task never completed? Everything she wove in the day she would unweave at night. 7. Why does Athena favor Odysseus? For his wily mind, shrewdness, and his cunning. Which god has no sympathy for Odysseus? Poseidon 8. Who is Telemachus? Odysseus’s son What is his personality like? Sobber, discreet young man, steady, prudent, and dependable. 9. What disguise does Athena take? Seafaring man What does she instruct Telemachus to do? To find out news about his father’s fate. 10. Which two men most likely know something about Odysseus’ fate? Nestor and Menelaus 11. Whose form does Athena take the second time she appears to Telemachus? Mentor 12. To which god do Nestor and his sons offer a sacrifice? Poseidon 13. Why does Menelaus have to hold down Proteus? So Proteus could tell him how to get safely back home. Under what do he and his men hide? Under sealskins 14. Which nymph keeps Odysseus? Calypso 15. Of what are Hermes’s sandals made? Gold What powers are in his wand? He could charm men’s eyes to slumber. 16. Why does Calypso not want to free Odysseus? She thinks it is unfair. She saved his life. What does she make for Odysseus? A raft 17. Who spots Odysseus on the sea? Poseidon Why does Odysseus not want to die in the storm? It was not honorable to die like that. Who helps Odysseus in the storm? Ino What does she tell Odysseus to do? Abandon the raft and swim to shore. Who calms the waves? Athena 18. To whom does the country (where Odysseus washes ashore) belong? Phaeacians What is their way of life? Kind people and splendid sailors. 19. Who finds Odysseus in the trees? Nausicaa What does she set out to do? To wash clothes How do she and her servants complete their work? Lay the clothes on the water and danced on them until all the dirt was out. What does she do for Odysseus? She gets him oil so he could get cleaned up and clothes. Why can’t she take him to her father herself? People will see them together and rumors would start. Odysseus’ Tale at Court of the Phaeacians 1. Ten days after leaving Troy, why does Odysseus have to tie down some of his own men? They wanted to stay in Lotus land. 2. Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus? Poseidon is Polyphemus father. 3. What does King Aeolus give Odysseus? A leather sack What is in it? All the Storm winds Why does he give it to him? As a gift What does his crew do to it? They opened it What happens as a result? All the winds rushed out 4. Who destroys the whole fleet except Odysseus’ ship? The Laestrygons 5. Who lives on Aeaea? Circe What happens to Odysseus’ remaining crew? Circe turned them into beasts. How does Odysseus avoid their fate? One group was cautious and didn’t go in. Who tells Odysseus how to save himself? Hermes What eventually happens to the crew? They get turned back into men. 6. How is Odysseus told to get to the entrance to Hades? Circe tells him Whom is he supposed to consult? Teiresias What is Odysseus supposed to do to make him come? By killing sheep and filling a pit with there blood. 7. To whose island is Odysseus to go next? Island of the Sirens Who lives there, and why are they harmful? Singers, whose voices would make men forget about all and they would steal their lives away. To avoid these people, what does Odysseus order the crew to do to themselves and himself? To stop there ears with wax. 8. At the Island of the Sun, what are Odysseus and his crew not to do? Eat the sacred oxen. What does the crew do, and what happens to them? They killed the sacred oxen, a thunderbolt shattered the ship and they all died. 9. What do the King of the Phaeacians and the chiefs give Odysseus before he leaves the island? They give him presents to enrich him. 10. Where does Odysseus wake up? Ithaca Who is disguised as a shepherd? Athena As what does Athena disguise Odysseus? Old beggar 11. Where does Telemachus go before going back to his house? The swineherd Whom does he find there? Odysseus What does Odysseus tell Telemachus to hide? All the weapons of war 12. Who is Argos, and what does he do after he recognizes Odysseus? A dog, he wagged his tail. 13. What does Odysseus tell Penelope when she calls for him? A story about meeting Odysseus on his way to Troy. 14. What two challenges does Penelope give the suitors? To string the bow and shoot it through twelve straight rings. Who completes the challenges? Odysseus 15. After the fight, whom does Odysseus spare? The bard 16. How does Odysseus finally prove himself to Penelope? He notices they moved his bed.

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